Don’t have a lot of time on your hands and looking for a cost-effective way to get the payroll tax administrative work done without adding additional headcount and impacting overtime? The Payroll Tax Knowledge Center will be your tax admin. Let’s connect!
Payroll Tax Account Registrations
- Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)
- Withholding Tax Account
- UI Tax Account
- Local Tax Account
- Closing Payroll Tax Accounts

Handling of Tax Notices
- Act as tax admin to resolve your tax issues
- Work with your current payroll processing vendor as well as tax agencies to get your tax issues resolved timely
- Prior year(s) tax issues, no problem
- Ensuring confirmation from tax agencies when tax issues are resolved
Flexible Payment Options Available
- ½ Upfront and remainder in 30 days
- Recurring Payment Options **

Affordable Plan Pricing
- Month-to-Month Services
- Contractual Services
You Choose! Contact Us!
**Recurring payment options only for contractual agreements**